Fail State Documentary News

Latest news and updates on Fail State, an investigative documentary on for-profit colleges, student loan debt, and American higher education. Executive produced by news legend and journalist Dan Rather.

3/16/18 - Director Alex Shebanow writes in Forbes

"I Found My Voice in Community College"

The College Promise Campaign, a bipartisan organization promoting free community college programs across the country, recently approached Fail State's director Alex Shebanow to write an op-ed on his community college experience and how that led him to make Fail State. The piece is entitled, "I Found My Voice in Community College," and it's currently buzzing around social media. As of 3/16/18, it's been read over 68,000 times and rising every hour.

I can trace back much of the documentary’s development to my days at Foothill and the voice I found there, especially to the experiences of my classmates who were unable to finish their college journey. I was fortunate that I came from a family that could afford my tuition and could give me an opportunity to go to school and find my voice. Unfortunately, many others are not as lucky.

Check out the full article on Forbes.