Fail State Documentary News

Latest news and updates on Fail State, an investigative documentary on for-profit colleges, student loan debt, and American higher education. Executive produced by news legend and journalist Dan Rather.

9/7/18 - Fail State featured in The Hechinger Report alongside Rep. Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters chastises for-profit colleges and DeVos Leadership

“This is probably one of the biggest rip-offs and scandals in government of all time.” —Rep. Maxine Waters

WASHINGTON – Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is starting off the school year with a message for current and prospective college students: Stay away from for-profit colleges.

Waters spoke at a panel discussion this week after a showing of FAIL STATE, a documentary that explores how some for-profit colleges trick students into taking on insurmountable debt and enrolling in degree programs that will result in few to no job prospects.

Check out the full article HERE.
